FleshEater (1988)
An above-average low-budget zombie-romp!
21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Flesh Eater (aka Revenge of the Living Zombies aka Zombie Nosh) is directed by and stars Bill Hinzman, the first zombie you see in Night of the Living Dead (the one that chases Barbara through the cemetery). The movie tells the story of a group of college teens who disappear into the woods one Halloween night for a little party. The farm they are residing on however was once the area of a group of people who practiced satanic rituals and when a farmer uncovers the grave of one of the corpses, it rises, attacks that farmers and kids and VOILA! Zombie mayhem!

There really isn't much to say about this movie as the plot line is almost identical to Night of the Living Dead. Don't be surprised if some of the sequences or *ahem ENDINGS! ahem* resemble Night of the Living Dead or other zombie films of the 70's and 80's. The acting here often receives a lot of criticism, but if you put the skill level with movies like The Dead Next Door, then you should be able to bear this (this seems like it even had a bigger budget). The movie contains some excellent gore scenes which was surprising as the movie only bears an R rating. Things to look forward to in this one included a nose being bitten off, a couple of hearts being ripped out, a pitchfork the to chest of a teenager, and a disturbing scene where a zombie attacks a little girl just about to begin her trick-or-treating run.

For some reason, this movie is one of the more disturbing zombie movies I own. I associate it with believability reasons. This film takes place in the woods and a small farm town around Pennsylvania. The area resembles many of the areas around my University here in New England and I think that it just stuck me as more frightening. I've always seen zombies in the tropical islands or the big cities, so for some reason, it was a bit scary to see them in my own "home turf." The version that I am reviewing is Flesh Eater from the Zombie Pack 2 released by Shriek Show entertainment. As I always recommend, GO GET THE ZOMBIE PACK 2 IF YOU LIKE THESE FILMS! I had always viewed this movie as the "least desired" of the three in the pack however I now all hold them with equal weight after viewing them all. This movie is a great low-budget zombie flick with tons of gore, nudity, and zombies! Do yourself a favor a grab a copy of this "under the radar" zombie flick and give it a view.
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