Review of The Prophecy

The Prophecy (1995)
Christopher Walken steals interesting horror fantasy...
6 February 2008
CHRISTOPHER WALKEN makes the most of his meaty role at the center of THE PROPHECY, an offbeat horror fantasy about good and bad angels and a war in heaven that involves Walken's desperate search for a dark soul on earth.

VIRGINIA MADSEN is effective as a schoolteacher protecting a girl who inadvertently has the dark soul implanted in her by a stranger she trusts. ELIAS KOTEAS is the intense young man who abandoned his plans for the priesthood and has become a detective on the hunt for a killer of souls. VIGGO MORTENSEN does a sinister job as Lucifer, whispering his lines with a rasping intensity and making a vivid impression in a brief role.

Like THE DA VINCI CODE, it takes religious elements and weaves them into a story of good vs. evil using angels in a way that is seldom ever done and making an intriguing tale of suspense based on the darkness of the human soul.

CHRISTOPHER WALKEN has a great time as the Archangel Gabriel, ruling over everyone with a number of nasty lines and knowing winks, with overtones of humor throughout his devilish performance.

Strictly for horror fans who want their imagination to turn on a different sort of fantasy with religious motifs--the sort of horror film that some will find offensive and other will enjoy tremendously.

Summing up: Good, intense performances from the entire cast.
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