If this movie didn't make you feel something..you need professional help!
30 January 2008
I really didn't have any expectations one way or another about this movie. All the critics raved..the marketing machine hyped it, etc..so I really wasn't expecting much. We put it on at home and the movie captured me very early on, and didn't let me go until the very end. It was a simple movie really, one about a father's unwaivering love for his son, and absolute refusal to give up. It was also all about not blaming others for your misfortune, but doing something about it and improving your own life through your own efforts for the sake of your family and yourself. This was by far my favorite performance from Will Smith. It was a radical departure from his usual smart-alec tough guy role, and was very deep and human. Being a father of 4, and having struggled at many points in my life, I found it deeply touching and could relate to it on an extraordinary number of levels. Well done Mr. Smith. Truly a wonderful movie.
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