Cube Zero (2004)
Redeems the Series
27 January 2008
One question I always have about these cube movies is, how does throwing a boot into the empty room tell you it's safe or not? This feels like rehash from the other sequels. But, in those films we discover some traps are triggered by other things, not by weight, or movement, or sound, but heat.

After this scene, one man exclaims perhaps it was triggered by heat or sound, but that isn't possible because the boot hitting the floor was pretty loud. Most likely it was triggered by a camera picking up a human form in the middle of the room.

After being disappointed by the follow through of part 1 and 2, I looked forward to a prequel finally making some sense of all this, and being a enjoyable film. Kind of like what Hellraiser 3 Bloodline did for that series.

Now we have 2 workers, overseeing this project to some capacity. We never see their higher ups, but we do see a higher level of command in part 2.

They seem to not mind too much what is going on, for they believe they men and women inside the cube are convicted criminals.

We know this to not be the truth at all.

The fact that in part 1 they followed a puzzle of numbers, primes in particular, in part 2, well I don't remember what they followed then, 5 dimensional cubes are funny that way. BUt, in this one, they find a similar puzzle, but this time in sets of letters.

For lack of ingenuity, and originality, I scoff at the simplicity of the parallel plots at this point, but I trudge on, without judgment... keeping my mind on the third exit.

"When the rooms align what's the first thing that happens?" "Clean Sweep" Which is what we saw at the very end of part 2... you ever wonder why at the end of part 2 when the girl, company employee plant in the cube, escapes the cube, with some sort of plumb device around her neck intact, as the cube seems to "clean sweep" itself into oblivion, they kill her? Did you think that question was going to be answered in the next movie? Do you still think it's going to be answered, in Cube Zero? Owen reaching the exit room reminds me a lot of the ending of Cube 1, I suppose that was the point.

Exit Procedure is very Nazism isn't it.

Anyways, I noticed later on they weren't even waiting for the boot to hit the floor before entering a new room, that didn't make a whole lot of sense, although the sound vibration death was quite cool.

Pretty nice ending, the way Wynn becomes Kazan-ized. Makes you wonder just how Kazan got the way he was doesn't it? People ask what is the point of this movie, or this trilogy, or franchise... and to my knowledge there is no point. Unless you look for a more anamorphic point. And that is the point within.

There is no great moral here, no blatant and obvious tell tale morality. No, be good or this could happen to you, there is no rhyme nor reason. Perhaps the only point to be gleamed from such an adventure is thus.

The CUBE is the mind. The traps are desires, ignorance, apathy, and the like. We are lab rats in consciousness, trying to get from birth to the white light at the end, without falling into the traps of our own egos if you will.

At least, that is my perspective.
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