True Believer (1989)
Justice is Blind!!
14 January 2008
Edward Dodd played by James Woods is the disillusioned cynical criminal lawyer who has made a career fighting for ideals such as justice, freedom and equality for all. Fighting against the abuses of the legal system he though has realised that the only way he can protect the ideals he treasures so much is by representing uncouth drug dealers who do not appreciate what he does for them. All of sudden a young idealistic lawyer out of law school played by Robert Downey Jr, joins his firm in pursuit of the same ideals as Edward Dodd. The young lawyer, despite been an irritation to Dodd starts reminding him of the way he was when he started his law practise. One day in his disillusioned state a mother walks into Dodd's office asking him to defend her son who has been falsely accused and convicted of murder. The young lawyer convinces Dodd to take the case and suddenly Dodd's spirit is revived and there is meaning amongst all the hypocrisy once more. The two lawyers then embark on a perilous journey uncovering the truth behind corrupt police officers and state prosecutors who believe that the end justifies the means. Woods is brilliant with his emotional outbursts fighting for justice and fairness against a system which has let him down so many times. Downy portrays the young naive idealist to perfection. Lots of suspense and drama right to the court room climax guaranteed to keep you in suspense right to the end.
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