Review of Joshua

Joshua (2007)
many loopholes,inconclusive script, no definite ending & overly long
11 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Joshua is all my summary says it all, BUT at same time one can form many opinions on the movie.

Dave Gilbert co-wrote this with director George Ratliff., The script has so many loopholes you can drive an 18 wheeler straight through & not hit anything.

This is a confusing story of an overly bright,but lonely 9 year old,he has a mind & the demeanor of a much older lad. We are led to believe many things about the boy, which may not be the truth.

Even the very last scene, which I had sort of figured out at the very beginning,still leaves many loose ends & unexplained happenings.. I loved the setting, an apartment in an older building on Centra Park West, in New York City.

The acting by the small cast is very good, Sam Rockwell & Vera Farminga are Joshua's parents. Celia Weston is Rockwell's overly religious mother. Dallas Roberts is the mothers very nice & attentive brother,He is the only one that really pays attention to his nephew.Jacob Kogan is Joshua, people in the cast think he is responsible for some bad things, I may be wrong, but I feel the boy is not really to blame. Unfortunate things do happen,

In other words this film is not very clear on many plot turns & twist, it is overly long as well.

The very last scene is neither a shock or a surprise.

A miss for me, I wish it were a better & clearer film.

ratings **1/2 (out of 4 ) 72 points (out of 100) IMDb (6 out of 7)
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