Review of D.O.A.

D.O.A. (1949)
D.O.A: Rather Disappointing.....
10 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of film noir and find that I like most of the films associated with the movement. Yet, D.O.A was a major disappointment for me. The premise is thrilling, yet somehow the end result did not satisfy me.

My disappointment does not rest with Edmond O'Brien, who turns in a very capable and engaging performance as the man who finds he has unwittingly ingested lethal poison, and must race to find the killer before he is dead. It is everyone's worst fear, O'Brien's situation, and he certainly gives a good account of his character. The scene in which he is told 'I don't think you understand...You have been murdered' is very effective and chilling.

Perhaps it lies with the inconsistency in the plotting- the first half of the film is much tighter than the second, which is action-packed, yet confusing and rather all over the place. The love interest angle is inevitable, yet slightly unbelievable all the same (perhaps inspired by 'Odd Man Out', which also has a doomed protagonist in James Mason and a faithful girlfriend who rushes to find him before death in Kathleen Byron).

D.O.A has plenty of atmosphere, and some nice cracking lines, yet really didn't leave me feeling satisfied with my film-going experience.
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