Decent, but less than the first one.
6 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains potential spoilers to both National Treasure movies.

The first National Treasure had a quite precise plot line. We knew who was the good guy, who was the bad guy, and who laid the treasure hunt out in the first place (that is, the Masons).

With Book of Secrets, this is where it comes unstuck. Gone are many of the puzzles, and a cohesive plot. We have a bad guy (Ed Harris) who switches between wanting to kill the heroes, and saving their lives, within scenes. And we don't truly even understand who laid all the hard work for the treasure hunt in the first place.

With all that said, it's still decent. It's still got much of the same charm and characteristics of the first movie. If you liked the first one, you'll more than likely like this one too, but it probably won't be as good as you hope.

The movie suffers mostly from a lack good script consistency. However due to the success of this movie, and other things that happen within this film, there is a potential set up for another National Treasure. If they do make a third, a clearer defined script will bring the series back on track.

All round, it was decent. 6/10
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