Can you say 'Product Placement'?
25 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let's see... Biodiesel bad, Hummer good. Yeah, right. I'm sure there's tons more but that one really was blatant (and just incredibly wrong!) Plot: Thin as new ice. Acting: Decent enough for what it is (Christmas story, straight to video)... In fact the only reason I'm watching this POS is that it's Christmas Day and this has made the HBO Christmas Crap List. Lewis Black was OK as the Big Bad Mean Man... I'm still waiting for that Movie that really fits Lewis (as, I expect, is he). Fez, from That 70's Show, plays the Good Cop to Lewis's Bad. Fez is incredibly bland. I had to look who was playing the part up (Fez has gotten larger since the 70's, lol). The Kid's were cute at times and the gags were sometimes funny. The 'Chase Scenes' are way overdone (the sled scene in particular). There's a few insider cool scenes with The Kids In The Hall crew, but they are brief and few. Give the show a mark up for little in the way of Fart Jokes. Fart Jokes are just not cool, mmk? Well, that about covers it. The Kids outsmart the Adults. Look for this in your Holday Discount DVD Bin at Walmart next Christmas. Oh yeah, there's some modern bands playing Christmas songs. Bleh. I guess I'm just a Grinch, oh well.
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