Suspension of disbelief can only take a film so far..
18 December 2007
I enjoyed 28 days later. My only criticism when seeing it and it was a small one was that I found the physicality and mentality of the zombies the weakest part of that film. Singular zombies were good and scary but when 10's or hundreds of them are running, yelling, collaborating to get the human's it all seems a bit weak... they looked/ran/acted like people - not zombies.

The basic premise and events that transpire were interesting in 28weeks and could have resulted in an engaging film (in abstract). Unfortunately these ideas (virus immune carrier reinfecting repopulated Britain etc) appeared clumsy and this film came off dumb. For serious horror like this you can't expect people to be actively suspending their disbelief every 5 minutes.

*Let me be perfectly honest and say I switched off this film after 20 minutes. I saw one scene later in the film before I watched the start and this suggested to me it wasn't going to get any better! So my giving a few examples here won't spoil anything if you watch more then 20 minutes of this awful movie* Here's how to move forward a zombie movie if you know your target are undemanding idiots:-

1). Refugee civilian population reintroduced to London behind military cordon. Entire situation seem artificial and unbelievable down to the unconvincing military personnel complete with artificial command structure...

2). (Civilian) Survivor of zombie attacks given limitless access to all facilities in a secure (military) compound.... cos he is the janitor/manager/whateverer.

3) Wife of said civilian is only surviving example of the virus that nearly wiped out humanity and her blood could presumably produce a cure. Yet she is held in a barely secure quarantine lab without guards or constant surveillance... This allows hubby to walk straight in (they didn't think to limit his electronic access to his own highly deadly infected wife!) - remember he is the caretaker so he has a key to walk straight into her quarantine and reinfect the whole area.... WEAKKKKKK (I nearly gave up here but wait..)

4) Hubby gets infected and because this film is pretty much for idiots who are numbed by films like Saw, which was also crap, we need to have him rip her to pieces and push his thumbs into her eye sockets in full colour and surround sound. CRAPPPP (I waited for the next bit before committing to cancel this awful movie).

5) Unbelievable-airport-novel-army-personal move all civilians into underground bunker. Their individual apartments were secured at the ground floor and probably needed card access to even get their floors... This presented a major difficulty for the plot to get enough zombies to really cause a stir. So the army people had to decide they would be safer all shoved into a dingy hole/bunker without explanation or support people - they were literally moved in and the army all buggered off... - this underground bunker is attached to the quarantine lab by unlocked emergency exit doors (the kind you find in a gym/highschool or other unsecured facility and designed to be openable by rage infected zombies...) allowing infected hubby to reinfect the population and get the whole thing rolling again....

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