Talk to Me (2007)
Anachronisms aside ... "Talk to Me" works
13 December 2007
In 2007 Don Cheadle was sorely under-used in the Adam Sandler vehicle "Reign Over Me" and given a role meaty enough for him in "Talk to Me". Unfortunately the former is likely to be the one most people will get around to seeing. It's a shame, because even though the fact-based drama of "Talk to Me" rearranges history to send its message, it has a lot to say about persevering over adversity and speaking one's mind. Cheadle stars here as Petey Green, an ex-con who sweet talks his way into an on-air gig at an R&B station in 1966's Washington D.C. Seemingly the originator of speaking the truth of the streets to the masses, his story is one seeped in alcohol and pushing buttons to get his way. The socio-political undercurrents of the film that tell its story between 1966 and 1984 are the most interesting and emotionally satisfying. There's a certain retrospective nature to the film that often feels like it's never really set in period, but more a civics lesson about an era, which is not necessarily a bad thing and doesn't really detract from the well-meaning story being told.
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