Coldblooded (1995)
An unexpected delight.
30 October 2007
With so many over-hyped major releases of recent years proving to be bitter disappointments, it's a real treat when I get to watch an older, lesser-known film with no expectations and am blown away by what I see. Director Wallace Wolodarsky's Coldblooded is such a film.

Jason Priestley (of Beverley Hills 90210 fame) plays Cosmo, a socially inept loner working as a bookie for an organised crime syndicate, who unwillingly becomes a hit-man when his gangster boss makes him an offer he can't refuse. After being sent to work alongside seasoned gunman Steve (Peter Riegert), in order to learn the ropes, Cosmo discovers that he is a natural when it comes to dishing out death.

Completely ruthless, quick thinking, and a great shot, he takes to the job like a duck to water, but also finds that wasting people for a living is rather stressful. In order to try and relax, he begins yoga, and soon falls for the pretty teacher who takes his class. But is it possible for him to continue in his line of work and be in love at the same time?

A quirky blend of dark humour and extreme violence, Coldblooded is a delight from start to finish. Priestly excels as Cosmo, a character that you cannot help but like, despite his monstrous ability to shoot complete strangers without skipping a heartbeat. The young killer's deadpan expression and bizarre mannerisms suggest that his mind functions in a manner different to most—his perception of right and wrong is certainly severely distorted—and whilst this doesn't excuse the fact that he is a brutal murderer, it makes his actions little easier to understand and, perhaps, even forgive.

The smart script, also by Wolodarsky, brims with offbeat moments, great incidental characters, and inky black comedy, and his talented cast (which includes great turns by Robert Loggia, as Cosmo's boss, and Kimberly Williams as his girlfriend, plus fine cameos from Janeane Garofolo and Michael J. Fox) don't put a foot wrong, delivering some truly excellent performances.

If you too are weary of overblown summer blockbusters that don't live up to the hype, track down this little gem of a movie to be reminded how good cinema can be when it's done right.
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