For My Daughter's Honor (1996 TV Movie)
Low Budget Seduction
3 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think as long as we agree that 99.9% of the "movies" that are shown on the Lifetime Movie Network (LMN) are broad brush cinema cousins to paperback trash novels, everything's fine.

"For My Daughter's Honor" is no exception. As usual, it's "based on a true story"; there's little real character development, but there are plenty of implausible actions. Amy succumbs so easily to the coach's advances that her character should have been made to be six years old instead of thirteen, and even then, a 6 yr old would've run like crazy.

As is LMN's credo, all men must be either idiots or perverts, so Amy's Dad is too wrapped up in his struggling business to notice anything amiss...too bad, Amy! Amy's moronic friends think the coach is great since he buys them wine and lets them drive his truck...too bad, Amy! The principal of Amy's school can't/won't do anything, since he's a limp noodle who doesn't want to get crosswise with the popular coach, and since the football team is more important than any girl who's being traumatized by a teacher....too bad, Amy!

The coach's wife must sleep like a hibernating bear, since the coach wanders his house at midnight and leads poor Amy off to some empty bedroom for some "extra credit". Really too simple-minded to be taken seriously.

Oh yes, eventually the coach goes to the slammer. But who gets blamed? Yikes, it's Amy!

LMN movies are like salted peanuts: tasty, bad for you, and somewhat addictive. I admit I'll watch one now and then just to see how far the story will wander off into the surreal. But LMN truly believes it's performing some sort of service by running these preachy, poorly written monstrosities. They do take on serious subjects, but always bail out when it comes to quality acting and directing, and then go for the "Men are Evil" conclusion.

This movie could have been A LOT better, since the subject deserves a better rendering.
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