nothing to write home to my non-existent pet about
21 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In every movie masterpiece there is that one scene or factor that grabs the audience and pulls it in, trapping it for the duration of the film. Sometimes it is an action sequence, sometimes a drama sequence, other times love or just odd. RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION does NOT have that scene. The only way this movie manages to keep your interest is to have you on the edge of your sit waiting for that scene to come, waiting to finally be pulled into the movie.

This movie was mediocre at best. None of the characters, including Alice were developed at all. So much lack of development was there that I didn't care for any of the convoy people at all. That's a shame cause they had real potential with the Alice romance.

I wish the directors would not have changed. This director tries to be a great cinema director, with great scenes but just serves to show that Milla does have blemishes on her face when the camera is a millimeter away from it.


In what I have to deem one of the dumbest and most far fetched moments in comic/ vigilante/zombie/video game movies a Fourth movie is left open for in which an army of fighting Alice will destroy the umbrella corporation. AN ARMY OF FIGHTING ALICE. HUNDREDS OF THEM. What in gods name? Come on I know that in a video game that would look cool, but it has already been proved that if you have hundreds of the same person, i.e. the agent in the matrix movies it just looks corny and stupid.

This movie proves that Hollywood is beginning to make movies that will appeal to the ignorance out there. The people that don't have enough sense to understand good movies. This coupled with Superbad proves what our parents have feared for years.

It is you people who watch these movies and go, "Wow that was good," that will be responsible for the destruction of not this country but the world when you take charge. You don't even have enough common sense to understand the smarter things in life.
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