Review of Eragon

Eragon (2006)
Mediocre and generic, yet enjoyable
17 September 2007
I think Eragon is the kind of film that isn't worth seeing in theaters or purchasing, but perhaps worth renting, or borrowing from a friend.

I know my little sister (15 yrs old) loved this film and recommended it very highly to me, and I think that if you are in the 12-16 age range, you probably will enjoy this movie more so than somebody older.

First of all, the plot of this movie is extremely hackneyed, as is obvious to anybody who has ever seen Star Wars or Lord of the Rings or has read or watched anything in the Fantasy genre ever. It covers just about every cliché in the book. There is no plot turn that you don't expect, and no real surprise throughout the whole movie. However, having said this, I think it was a very enjoyable and entertaining movie even if it isn't very deep.

Second, the acting of the main character, Eragon, bugged me. He seemed a bit amateurish and stilted, which makes it more difficult for the viewer to be drawn into this fantasy world created in Eragon. The other actor that really bugged me was John Malkovich - okay, we know he's a good actor, but I don't understand why he was in this movie. His character only said stiff clichéd malevolent one-liners and walked around menacingly. The character almost seemed like it was MEANT to be a stereotype of a fantasy villain. Not to mention his character's name was so awkward and strange that I couldn't remember it throughout the whole film. However, I did think Jeremy Irons and Rachael Weisz did decent performances for the script that was written. It did bring to mind though another terrible fantasy film that Jeremy Irons appeared in - Dungeons and Dragons which also rips off other movies and spews clichés at a hundred a minute, though that film was considerably worse then Eragon.

So, all in all my recommendation is to watch this film if you're looking for a little magic, a little sword-fighting, a little adventure and nothing all that deep.
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