One of the best family films I've seen in ages
17 September 2007
This movie is at once touching, moving, endearing and profound. I loved it. I wish I had given it a chance and seen it when it was still in theaters instead of waiting to get it from Netflix.

This film was completely mis-marketed. I suppose the marketing team in charge of this movie decided that they would play on the recent success of films like The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Eragon and other fantasy films getting hype around the time this came out. However, this was, in my opinion, a terrible move, as they really had a beautiful, wonderful movie to work with and should simply have marketed it as it was, a family film, a film about friendship and family and love and coming-of-age and the importance and power of imagination. They took the "fantasy" parts of the movie (which were really just a minor part of it) and made it seem like that was the plot.

Bridge to Terabithia's Leslie is probably one of the most endearing, lovable characters I've seen in a long time. Her unique perspective on life, her kindness and bravery make her a character you can feel very touched by.

This movie actually made me cry. Made me break down and sob and I don't think I've done that during a movie since Moulin Rouge.

Bridge to Terabithia is also one of the few films that I think can be called a true "family film" - enjoyable by the WHOLE family. Many times, films that get this label are not much fun for anybody over age 13 and are full of fart-jokes and sexual innuendo to make it "more fun" for the adults. But this movie isn't like that. The characters and situations will be relatable and fun for children as well as to adults. In fact, in some ways this film is probably MORE suited to adults that children due to some of the deeper aspects of the film, though in my opinion it is certainly child-appropriate.

My recommendation is, definitely see this movie. In fact, buy this movie because you will probably want to see it again and again.
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