Want To Know Why The U.S. Is Hated?
13 September 2007
I never consider myself worldly or well-learned until I see a "No Duh Documentary." I'm not an expert on the U.S. policy of hiring and protecting Nazi war criminals but MY ENEMY'S ENEMY didn't manage to tell me anything that I didn't already know about the recruitment of "The Butcher of Lyon," Klaus Barbie, and his post-WWII life in Bolivia. Barbie's greatest hits include the deportation of 44 children to a death camp, the murder of French Resistance leader Jean Moulin, backing several South American putsches, and teaching the U.S. a thing or two about effective torture methods (some still being used today).

This French/UK documentary showcases quite a few skeletons from the U.S. closet but spends more time demonstrating how the French government refused to bring Barbie to justice for several decades thanks to the post-WWII French government's comprise of unsavory Vichy loyalists on whom Barbie held dirt.

Another damning indictment of wrong-headed decisions made out of greed and alleged anti-communist fervor, MY ENEMY'S ENEMY holds more answers to Americans who just can't fathom why our country is so despised in the international arena. A truly enlightening film.
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