Review of Zoom

Zoom (2006)
Don't watch this.
5 August 2007
Kids movies are declining in quality over the years, "excluding Pixar and maybe Dreamworks" and this rings ever so true in Zoom: Academy for Superheroes.

Searching the IMDb user reviews about this movie i was shocked to see such quotes as 'Great Movie' or 'Best Kids Movie EVER!' or even a worrying 'Best Film of 2006'.

If you have gone to see the movie without a child by your side, then you will be horribly disappointed by what this movie has to offer.

Key points such as the 'revival' of Chevy Chase and others are put down early in the film when you find that they are hamming through the worst dialog ever, eg. "I speak Greek, not Geek" etc. etc, Enough to make kids the world over roll their eyes knowingly.The fact that it has a short cinema life probably contributed to the overall quality of life.

Has your child had an IQ test? If so, children above the 110 mark will have trouble being entertained by the lousy performances of the actors. We all know Tim Allen's been a bit off lately, but this takes the cake.

So, others may say that the acting was 'forgivable' and that critic's harsh reviews were only so because they were taking the movie seriously. Hmm. I think those that were prepared to give the movie a 'Perfect' 10 stars have an insanely different viewpoint to life. Any score under six would be a rational average for mentally stable people. Should come with label saying -do not buy-.

Summing up Zoom: -Bad acting and bland story, kids may like it if not put off, but you'll be snoozing in your seat.
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