Sean Connery and Micheal Caine equals a chemistry which can not be described with words
26 July 2007
I saw this movie about two weeks ago. By being a movie where the lead actors are Sean Connery and Michael Caine it can't be bad, now can it? Well, it can't and it wasn't. To be honest the movie wasn't quite what I expected it to be, but it sure was a great movie. The movie tells about two men, Daniel Dravot and Peachy Carnehan, who decide to resign from the Army and travel to Kafiristan to become kings. No white man has set foot in Kafiristan since Alexander, but as ambitious as Daniel and Peachy are they decide to give it a go and leave on the adventure.

Being a story by Rudyard Kipling it has all the right ingredients what an adventure movie requires. The film wisely uses those ingredients, but after I had seen the movie I honestly thought it could have been better. The film just has this certain style of telling the story, which can sometimes be a bit long-winded. It does seem that sometimes there isn't that much happening and it may be unbearable for some viewers. Well it is a movie from the 70's and movies were different even back then, though it isn't a long time ago at all. Despite that it's still a great adventure movie throughout and when it's directed by John Huston (who has also written the screenplay with Gladys Hill) it is indeed guaranteed quality. The cinematography's used how it's supposed to, when shooting in exotic locations you must shoot the beautiful landscapes as well to give the viewer that certain feeling of a real adventure. We see all kinds of astonishing sceneries throughout the movie and overall the movie is shot incredibly well by using every resource the milieu has to offer.

What makes this movie so great, despite the already mentioned and complimented story, directing and cinematography, is undeniably the chemistry between Sean Connery and Michael Caine. If the movie doesn't interest you at all, try at least for god sakes watch it for Connery and Caine. There's just this unspeakable chemistry which can not be described with words, undeniably one of the best I've ever seen in a motion picture. Both, Connery and Caine, have this certain charisma which can only be accomplished by just a few actors. And by putting all that charisma together, uniting it, you see a charisma which is more than you expect it to be. Sean Connery as Daniel Dravot performs the role flawlessly and same goes with Michael Caine who plays Peachy Carnehan. Just perfect. There is also a clever dialog between Dravot and Carnehan, which is a real treat for the fans. And when there's written this familiar witty sarcasm throughout the screenplay there honestly couldn't be better lead actors doing it, Connery and Caine exceed it.

"The Man Who Would Be King" is more than just an adventure movie. It also tells a story about a true friendship, how friends should help each other in tight situations and what a real friendship is all about. This evolves the movie into a beautiful story which also makes it surprisingly dramatic. Backed up by the fantastic music by Maurice Jarre it really makes you shed a tear, even tears. Despite the movie having an opportunity to be something much better it still hangs on to be a great movie by having such magnificent lead actors in it. When each other area works really well too the movie is much better than the ingredients given to it. Sean Connery and Michael Caine can't become kings, as they already are kings. If not actual kings, then at least kings in our hearts. My heart says they are.
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