Review of Huff

Huff (2004–2006)
Amazing first season - good thing it was canceled... (mild spoilers)
9 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of Huff was one of the most daring I've seen since the Sopranos. It took things beyond just saying the 7 words that can't be uttered on regular TV, by having characters do the (more than 7) things that can't be done on regular TV. We have a charming and functioning drug user that has *fun* with sex and drugs. We have a smart, nerdy teenager who respects his parents but also has casual sex AND doesn't go blind. We have parents that aren't Ward and June Cleaver but run the whole gamut. Huff's parents, are both decent people that happen to be not very good parents. The mother, Lizzie, in the first season was one of the most real characters I have seen in a long, long time. Her relationships with Huff, his wife, and non-relationship with Teddy, a schizophrenic son were spot-on. In short, the show tried to depict life as it really happens outside of Falwell's Pleasantville.

But then the barbarians caught up and started pounding at the gates. The second season backed off on every innovation. The functioning drug user morphed into a tragic figure and his drug use had to have consequences like death and pregnancy, (neither done in a believable manner btw). The story arc which I'm positive was leading to the use of medical marijuana abruptly ends with a faith healing by the suddenly born-again and incredibly annoying PTL secretary. The well adjusted sexual teenager began to act out by committing felonies (obviously - this is what blow jobs lead to...). The eccentric but harmless schizophrenic brother suddenly became a danger to society. The beautifully narcissistic mother suddenly develops a conscience; her drinking becomes a *problem*; she courts more age suitable men; and she is given a nice pat excuse for disowning one of her sons. Huff's marriage suddenly becomes an issue - (I'm not sure why - but it probably has to do with him being a liberal humanist...).

The second season was the worst dumbing down of a series since House. I don't blame Azaria - I can see the blood spatter in the second season as he resisted as much as possible the clueless and gutless executives' imposition of "family values" to make the show less offensive to the prissy lady in Peoria who didn't watch it anyway. So the cancellation of the show was a mercy killing before the it became a complete zombie. I am grateful for the fond memories of Russell's horsie, Lizzie's martini lunches and catty remarks, Huff's Hungarian musician and of course the rainbow parties from a show that Showcase was not ready for.
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