A very great game!!!
8 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(It should be noted that this comment is based on the Wii version of the game.)

As usual I was very skeptical before buying this game seeing as how movie games haven't had the best track record,but I'm glad to say I was wrong.

As usual the story follows the typical movie game formula,highlighting the best moments of the film in the game while not revealing any major spoiler about the film itself.Keeping this in mind the story is well told,and if you've read the book you shouldn't have any trouble comprehending what's going on.

When I first read how the game would be played on the Wii I was very excited,using the wiimote as your wand was almost a nobrainer,and I must say it works for the most part.The controls are sloppy at times,in particular at the beginning,but the controls once gotten used to feel fairly good.

The biggest part of the game is getting to do what Harry does,and go to school,it almost feels a little like Rockstar's Bully.It is a free-roam Harry Potter adventure where you get to go wherever you want whenever you want with no load times in between areas.There is also along with the main quest many side quests(such as going to class) and unlockables to find so there is always something to do,and if those get boring you can always engage in a wizard duel with just about any Slytherin by just pointing your wand at them and shooting them with a combat spell starting the fight.Duels are really,really fun.All of these things combined help create the longest Potter game to date,to get full 100% completion,extras and all,will take you at the shortest a week.

The sound/music is actually the most interesting aspect of the game.The sound effects are great,and so is the music,this being the first Potter game that uses Hedwig's Theme throughout the game.The worst part is the flat voice-acting,although done by most of the film's actors,it is fairly poor VOs.

The two biggest problems with the game are the graphics and the camera.The graphics on the Wii are good for the most part,especially taking into account the size of the game,but the frame rate chugs occasionally,especially in the cutscenes,and battles,but it doesn't detract too much from the enjoyment.The biggest problem is the camera,it is very hard to fix and can get frustrating at times especially in battles.

Now down to the point:

CONCEPT - 9/10 Although not the first time we've seen a free-roam game,it's almost a cliché' now adays,one being set in Harry's world feels like a breath of fresh air.

GRAPHICS - 7/10 These are some good graphics for the Wii,especially taking into account the scope of the game,but the chugging frame-rate lost this at least one point.

SOUND/MUSIC - 8/10 The sound effects and music are superb,but the flat voice-acting detracts from the emotion in the cutscenes.

CONTROLS - 8/10 Although clunky at times,it overall works,and once you get used to it you feel like a wizard.

GAMEPLAY - 7/10 Works well for the most part,but the awful camera that is hard to fix really detracts from the enjoyment at times.Plus certain spells are hard to cast well,and require much mastering to be good at.

UNLOCKABLES/EXTRAS/SIDE-QUESTS - 10/10 This game has tons of extras,and for any Harry Potter fan is worth the hours of collecting.

FUN FACTOR - 10/10 Although it has its problems it is just too much fun for that to drag you down.

Accumulated score: 8.5/10!!!

Final thoughts:This is a really fun game,even if you aren't a fan it is worth at least a rental,and if you are a fan go and buy this game immediately.The ability to explore Harry's world and do what he does on a daily basis is just too much fun.

My Final Score is based off of its fun factor,and from a Harry Potter fan's perspective.

A superbly fun: 10/10!!!!!!
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