Very strange for a kid's film
30 June 2007
I don't remember the first babe very well, it's been a while since I've seen it, but over all I remember loving it as a kid. So I think that's what struck me to see the sequel. Figured I should give it a shot. I watched it a couple days ago and I have to say that for a kid's movie this was a very strange one, it just seemed a little dark. I mean, pigs in leather, scary and odd looking people, apes getting dressed before escaping a science lab, I mean, maybe it's just me, but it just seriously disturbed me.

Babe has come back from the fair winning the sheep herding award. But the boss gets injured and cannot do any work on the farm, so when no work gets done, the bank is after the farm and is about to take it away from him and his wife. But when his wife finds out that Babe could win a prize that would be worth good money to save the barn. But Babe and the wife quickly get separated in the city of New York. Babe finds a group of show apes that try to help him get money, but it gets difficult when the ape's owner passes away. Now the animals are on their own and continue to try to help Babe.

Babe: Pig in the City is over all not a bad film at all, but it's just a very strange film for children. Not to mention darker compared to the first film. I think most of the reviewers agree, this was a 360 compared to the first film. But if you wanna check it out, go ahead, but I don't think it's a necessary watch if you enjoyed the first one. It was just weird seeing Babe in the leather collar, it was pretty disturbing.

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