Harpies (2007 TV Movie)
Watch this movie and the terrorists win
23 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
If you loved Army of Darkness then without a doubt you will hate the hell out of Harpies. I promise.

From start to finish harpies grabs at almost every theme from Army of Darkness except for undead. Now i know what you're saying, how can this be an Evil Dead knock off without, you know, Evil Dead Things. Well its a simple really. There's a brash womanizer that fools with an artifact in present time and falls through time to a some horrible middle age surreal vista that hurts my heart. Aside from the word "Tis" there is no attempt be authentic. Don't get me wrong I love crap but it throws me when they suddenly remember their acting and try poorly to remind me of it. They do think he's the chosen one, cause... um... well why not.

Another snag from Amry of darkness is when Adam Baldwin suggests building a Trebuche. THat's probably spelled wrong but such is my disdain for all things French that i don't care. Also, i can't back up with any fact that that word is French. See, he says he seen it once on PBS and he must have paid such close attention that he had them build one, like on the spot. Sweet.

Enough ragging on the fact that they didn't really so much have a movie plot as just time on their hands and some spare money. Let's get to the good stuff. Like how this movie called Harpies has relatively little screen time for said Harpies. I know the reason. I do. See when you have no Idea what the hell a Harpie is but you make a movie called Harpies the safest thing you can do is just ask Adam Baldwin to talk his way through a movie and stare at everything like he's stoned. That covers nicely the fact that you just put CGI bat wings on super models. Also, nerds love hot chicks with bat wings. I love hot chicks with bat wings.

The noise the Harpies made.... oh...Oh... I'll let my buddy Pin Head Sum up the Harpy noise with a quote from his not crappy movie. "There is a secret song at the center of the world, Joey, and its sound is like razors through flesh"

I didn't give this movie a one for several reason. 1, Coolio wasn't in it. 2, It appealed to my simple side, the side that loves girls with bat wings. 3, the notion of Alec Baldwin watching his brother's movie and laughing like a madman made me do the same. Also, the mixing up of a Succubus and a Harpy is pretty sweet. As a side not I also didn't give this movie a ten because Coolie wasn't in it.
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