Could've Been Better, But Still I Have It In My Collection
11 June 2007
After a terrific comeback in 1988's "Incredible Hulk Returns", which guest starred Thor, Dr. David Banner and The Hulk return again in 1989 for "Trial Of The Incredible Hulk", this time guest starring Daredevil.

However, in this second TV Hulk reunion, Dr. Banner is accused of assaulting a woman on a subway, which was mainly the faults of these two punks who just escaped a jewel heist. Banner must stand trial for this crime, for which he didn't commit, and has Matt Murdock as his lawyer, played by Rex Smith. And Murdock, as all comic book fans should know, is secretly Daredevil.

However, Banner tries so hard to convince Murdock he can't stand trial due to the fact he changes into something, while trying also to protect his secret of The Hulk while convincing Murdock.

The "trial" turns out to be nothing more than just a dream of Dr. Banner's, where The Hulk shows up in this dream and crashes the courtroom. Shades Of "Dallas" and Pam Ewing! Look closely during this dream scene and you'll Stan Lee in the jury box.

Smith's Daredevil is nothing what Ben Affleck would make look more realistic to the comic book in the 2003 "Daredevil" motion picture. Instead, we have this cheap black ninja-like costume that is so bad, you'd think this more of a karate movie than a "Hulk" reunion movie. And did we get an origin scene of Smith's Daredevil? Nope. Just a little explanation spoken by Matt Murdock, which goes to show him, actions are better than words.

Jack McGee, (Jack Colvin) the nosy tabloid reporter from the classic 70's TV Hulk series, is nowhere in this movie, which could've made this more interesting to watch. His character was desperately missed and needed.

The movie wasn't all bad, it just needed to be a bit more interesting.
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