Allegation of Misconduct & Misdemeanors of Denis Leary
6 June 2007
OK...I cannot believe this...but at the time (1993-1994) I first saw "No Cure For Cancer" and although I was/am a HUGE fan of standup comedy, I had never heard of Bill Hicks. When I saw "No Cure...", I was blown away by it...and a way, am glad I did not know of Bill back then. I learned of Bill a couple of years ago and have since been on a mission to learn...see...hear... everything I can get my hands on about the marvelous work of the extremely talented man that was Bill Hicks.

I got my hands on a complete copy of Bill Hicks Independently Produced (Sacred Cow Productions) Standup Routine "Saneman" which was performed in Texas in 1989. NOTE: Saneman- 1989...No Cure For Cancer- 1992!! As I watched "Saneman", I was beside myself...LMFAO! Bout Near Peed My Pants! Then came the part of the routine where Bill does the "voicebox" bit. Up until this point, I still did not know of the connection...or should I say...allegations (of) between Leary & Hicks...BUT...I knew right then and there that Leary had snagged Hicks material. Leary isn't the only one...Carlos Mencia should also be considered a "snaggee". You can't really blame them though! Bill's work is so far superior to anything else being done then...or now. Only two comedienes... IMHO ...are above Bill and they are the late great Richard Pryor and the prolific and ever-producing George Carlin. Bill refused to "sell-out" and therefore his work went mostly unheard of by the masses. Leary & Mencia, I'm sure, figured...what the hell...this great stuff is just sitting here...WTF.

Every comediene uses other people's material a little...but style is another matter. Sam Kinison & Bill Hicks created the "Outlaw" or "Rock & Roll Comediene" persona. They created it together when they worked with each other in Texas. Denis Leary on the other hand was not part of those beginnings. He wasn't even a comediene and had no interest in becoming a comediene. He wanted to be an ACTOR! Which is precisely what he excellent actor. He fooled us all into believing he was a comediene...twice. Once with "No Cure..." and then again five years later with "Lock N Load"...which is no where near the caliber of "No Cure..." Unfortunately for Leary...Bill died and therefore Denis had to use other writers for the task.

At this point many of you are thinking...she's crazy! Well yes, I am! Thank you for noticing. But nonetheless...Denis Leary is an actor. Then & Now! Don't believe me. Hear the words straight out of the horses mouth. Denis did an interview with NPR radio in 2002 that speaks volumes. Here is the link:

Under the title "Actor and Comedian Denis Leary" there is a little red box that says "Listen". Click it and kick back.

For those of you who have still not had the pleasure of viewing or hearing Bill't walk to and check out the offerings there. It will give you a taste of the man's abilities. Careful may find that you will hunger for MORE MORE MORE! Keep the flow...tst4titus
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