Not very funny
21 May 2007
It was disappointing to hear the F*** word every fifty or sixty seconds, or more. What's Robin's problem? Does he think that he needs to cuss, cuss, cuss to be funny? It would have been a lot more funny if he didn't say that word or a variation of it all the time. It's like he had a bet to see how many times he could say it. I'm just a normal, beer drinkin' American, but I didn't find it amusing. I didn't even finish watching the whole thing. Maybe I would have liked it more back when I was a teenager or something. He is one of my favorite actors and I really like a lot of the movies and other things that he has done, but then it was disappointing to watch this and wonder "Where is that nice, respectable, funny guy that was in the movies that I saw before?"
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