bargain basement revenge of the nerds clone
11 April 2007
The fraternity of Lambda Alpha Eta is in danger of becoming extinct, as the only 4 members are all graduating college at the end of the year. So naturally they plan a huge party while battling the gayest most annoying jocks ever put on mainstream celluloid. If I hear the phrase 'kick his ass' one more time, i'll go insane. This z-grade "Revenge of the Nerds" clone is sadly very low on laughs, and has one of the worst theme songs in recent memory but the more masochistic fans of '80's scream queens Quigley and Bauer should still check it out. And even then, do so very VERY hesitantly. Followed by a sequel that one would hope is better, because quite frankly you can't get much worse.

My Grade: D-

DVD Extras: Director's commentary; Bloopers; slide show (with nudity); Interviews with Linnea Quigley, Michelle Bauer, Richard Gabai, & one with all three; Music video; and theatrical trailer

Eye Candy: Michelle Bauer, Linnea Quigley, and Tantala Ray all get topless
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