Nick Fury: Agent of Shield (1998 TV Movie)
Nick "Mildly Annoyed", Agent of C.H.E.E.S.E.
1 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Here we have yet another entry in the long line of failed Marvel Comics cinematic adaptations. For years, Marvel allowed its properties to be optioned by the bottom feeders of Hollywood. This film was part of its short-lived arrangement with Fox, which resulted in just this movie and the Generation X pilot. This one is at least entertaining, in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.

The script is by David Goyer, who would go on to write the Blade films, as well as Batman Begins. Goyer has actually read (and even written) some comics, so he is generally faithful to he spirit of the property. Unfortunately, he is mostly faithful to the more lackluster SHIELD series of the late 80's/early 90's, not the classic Steranko series of the 60's. The 60's series was far more cinematic, laden with wonderful concepts and characters. The later was darker, more depressing, and boring as all heck. The film at least tries to keep things moving at a swift pace.

David Hasselhoff plays Fury with tongue firmly planted in cheek (to hold the cigar in place, no doubt). He's never particularly believable, or even good, but he is pretty entertaining. He is so over the top that you just have to laugh and enjoy the ride. Sandra Hess is even more over the top, as Viper (minus the green hair), if that's possible. She has a ball as she chews through one scene after another. The rest of the cast is mostly there to flesh out the scenes.

The TV budget hampers the film considerably, but the effects department make decent use of their limited funds. The Helicarrier model is alright, if unspectacular, and the explosions and cgi work are passable. The gadgets are inventive and the costumes look good.

All-in-all, this is a pretty entertaining film, provided you aren't looking for more than lightheared entertainment. It's more successful than the 70's and 80's Marvel disasters, but not up to the current crop of films. It's the perfect film to sit back with some popcorn and a bottle of wine, to accompany the cheese.
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