Good, solid comedy
31 March 2007
Leave it to Terry Zwigoff to make another intelligent, witty comedy. Those are two words I don't often use to describe comedies nowadays. Is this one of the funniest comedies to come out in recent years? Far from it. But it was just refreshing getting to see a film like this after watching all these dopey, brainless comedies that have been polluting our movie screens in recent years. Zwigoff also directed "Ghost World" and "Bad Santa," so I think he has officially proved that he has quite a bit of expertise in the genre of black comedy. I have a dark sense of humor myself, so I guess that's why his films tend to appeal to me. Just like "Ghost World," this is a film about young people, but not catered towards young people. It's always refreshing to see a film that portrays young people as intelligent, rather than simple weasels who only chat about sex. Several people have criticized the ending of the film. I have to admit, the plot twist did feel a little tacked on. But that didn't totally ruin the film for me. I loved the way the film poked fun at the pretentiousness at both the students and professors at these swanky art schools. Being a very straightforward, literal-minded individual, I can't keep a straight face while listening to these artsy types blabber on about some abstract piece of art. Sometimes I want to wring their necks and scream out, "Get a friggin' life!" John Malkovich gives a pitch-perfect performance as a talentless, pretentious art professor. The rest of the cast is great as well. I was impressed to find out that the two lead actors, Max Minghella and Sophia Myles, are both English. No wonder I haven't seen them before. They both hide their English accents perfectly. And Sophia is one stunningly hot woman. Jim Broadbent plays a very interesting, offbeat character. Seeing him play all these upper-classmen in movies, it was fun watching him essentially play a bum. And who could say no to a film with a hilarious cameo by Steve Buscemi? So there you have it. A sharp and funny script, a talented cast of actors, sharp directing. I'd say the film is definitely worth seeing.
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