Man of the Year- A Joke to the Chief! **1/2
4 March 2007
While watching this film, I was saying to myself that it would become better when it would become more serious. That is exactly what happened.

The problem with the film is that we were stuck with Robin Williams' corny jokes. He plays a comedian who seeks the presidency and by some fluke wins. As far as the fluke goes, does this sound familiar?

Yes, he runs on a platform of integrity and ignoring the needs of special interest groups. As with too many candidates of today, he is quite vague on complex issues.

The film vastly improves when it is discovered that a computer error has pushed him into the presidency. When Laura Linney, as Eleanor Green, an employer with the computer company brings this out, she is discredited in the usual discredited sort of way.

Of course, Williams admits on a comedy news show that he shouldn't be president-elect after all. He now becomes even more famous on the comedy circuit because he has shown true integrity. Did the writers of this film ably do so?

The usually sinister Christopher Walken sheds that image and portrays an adviser to Williams or Dobbs as the candidate's name is in this film.
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