Little Einsteins (2005–2010)
An assault on the senses
1 March 2007
I don't even know where to start with this show. It makes me insane. The "singers" are awful; tone-deaf and usually off-beat. The songs aren't imaginative or catchy but they will stick in your head until you either get a headache or go crazy. The classical music is nice I guess, but it does little to stimulate or even hold the attention of my 1- and 3-year-olds. They're pretty indifferent to this show.

My main complaint is the bizarre leaps of logic the show uses to "solve" problems. "Quick Rocket! We have to have a family of dancing alligators to ferry us across this log jam in the river! Dance with the swimming alligators!!!" Isn't Rocket a.......... rocket? Can't he just fly over the river? Does the sound of a flute really stop a volcanic eruption? Does Rocket have to drive out of the way of a Mars sandstorm (instead of fly over it?) Does the team really need to enlist the help of 16 killer whales to hop across the ocean to chase down a bald eagle?

I'm all for teaching kids to solve problems and think creatively but this method of problem solving is less creative and more stupid. It's like the writers are just casting around in their energy drink overloaded minds for the first music-related problem/solution set they can come up with. It just goes to show that if you set anything to classical music and claim it will make your kid smarter, parents will eat it up.
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