Black Belt it ain't ...
5 February 2007
Not even "Black Mask" (that's referring to the at least funny attempts in the first movie with Jet Lee)! And I won't even go there to talk about actors (nonexistent or at least maybe hiding behind a "mask"?!?) or a plot (also nonexistent, but even if you tried to search for it you wouldn't find it behind any mask!).

Now if we'd leave those two facts out of the equation, you still could have a fun decent little b-movie here. But you read right (not only the 1 star I gave it, but also the word "could"!)! Nope, this movie isn't only (un-)funny, it has also a really bad action choreographer. Or maybe it was all the stunt teams fault who knows. But if you got no plot and not even decent acting, than the least you should have in a b-movie action picture is a few decent action scenes ... And there are nowhere to be found ... (btw. even the appearing/listed Rob van Dam (WWE/ECW) can't elevate this movie, for any fans out there!)

Final Conclusion: You shouldn't bother to watch it (imo)
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