Death is coming for you and it won't be pretty
30 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A high school class is boarding a plane to go on a trip. One of the boys' has a vision of the plane exploding and decides to get off. A few other teens join him as well as the French teacher. Upon take off the plane does blow up and so the group effectively eluded death... at least for the moment.

One scene wraps up this movie for me:

The teacher is cooking something on the stove. She has a mug near the fire and it gets hot. She pours some liquor into the mug and the cold liquor cracks the hot mug unbeknownst to her. She proceeds to walk into her living room near her computer. Some of her drink leaks through the fine crack in the mug and gets into the computer monitor. The computer monitor short circuits AND BLOWS UP!! sending a shard of glass flying right into the lady's neck. She still isn't dead though. With blood spewing from her neck she stumbles into the kitchen to get a towel. The fire is still going on the gas stove and they bring a lot of attention to that. Somehow she falls down on her back, but she is still groping for a towel. While on her back, with one hand still trying to stop the bleeding, she grabs the towel she was groping for. OOPS!!! The towel was under a wooden block full of stored knives!! They all fall out of the storage block, face down no less, and puncture her in numerous places. Death is not finished yet. To make sure she is dead, and that her young student doesn't rescue her, the towel caught on fire and proceeded to burn up the entire kitchen, the rest of the house, and of course her as well.

AB-SURD!! That describes the movie. It was wholly absurd. How many freakish ways can you be killed? I guess the makers of this movie wanted to explore all 6 million. It was bad enough that a girl got hit by a silent bus that was traveling 60 mph and didn't brake though it had splattered flesh all over it, and that a "live" wire took on a new meaning when it came to life and literally attacked people, but they had to go way over the top with the teacher. I don't mind reality being stretched a bit, but there are limits to where my intellect just says: "This is too much."
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