Monster Man (2003)
A very enjoyable and gory comedy horror.
30 January 2007
The main bad guy of Monster Man is a messy patchwork quilt of flesh, stitched together by a loving relative after he is mutilated in an accident. Similarly, Monster Man, the movie, is a messy patchwork quilt of ideas and genres, which somehow manages to be thoroughly entertaining despite its lack of originality and an obvious identity crisis. Starting off as a road-trip/comedy and ending up as an homage to grindhouse horrors such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Hills Have Eyes, this one sure ain't going to be to everyone's taste, but I enjoyed every dumb, blood-soaked minute.

Nerdy virgin Adam (Eric Jungmann) is driving to a wedding, where he intends to reveal his secret love for the bride before she gets hitched. On the way there, he discovers that his annoying ex-best friend, Harley (Justin Urich), has smuggled himself on board in an attempt to patch up their rocky friendship. The two argue and bicker, but are eventually forced to put their differences aside when they are repeatedly attacked by a hideous killer who hunts them down in a huge rusty monster truck.

Depending on your frame of mind, it is likely that you will either find this movie a whole heap of silly fun, or extremely annoying; fortunately, I was in the mood for something absurd and gory and Monster Man delivered the goods. Occasionally side-splittingly funny and quite often extremely creepy, director Michael Davis's crazy film just gets more and more insane with every passing minute, until the gore-drenched finale which has to be seen to be believed. Adding to the fun is the absolutely gorgeous Aimee Brooks, as sexy hitch-hiker Sarah, who joins the boys on their journey into terror (any girl who does Yoda impressions during sex is OK by me!).

Initially I'm going to rate Monster Man 7 out of 10, however I suspect that my love for this film will grow stronger with each successive viewing (especially if I've had a few beers beforehand!).
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