The Best Ghost Imagery in a Horror Movie
13 January 2007
It was unbelievable how much I enjoyed this movie! As the plot summary already reveals, it's basically about ghosts, but those ghosts are about the scariest looking things I've ever seen! Too bad they aren't shown for longer. That's my one major gripe about this film: the ghosts needed more scream... oops, sorry... screen time! Another small gripe is that the filmmakers kind of dropped the ball there at the end with some sloppy special effects, but the entertainment factor for Gravedancers is off the charts, which totally made up for that! Don't miss it! I saw this one at Horrorfest and am already drooling over the possibilities of being able to purchase a complete 2006 Horrorfest DVD box set. I don't know how they're planning to market the DVDs, but anything less than a box set would not do all the awesome entries to this great event justice, plus I'm sure a lot of us didn't get the chance to see all of them at our local theaters.

And please keep supporting R-RATED HORROR MOVIES with your patronage! It actually looks like the movie producers and directors out there are listening to us. The year 2006 was a great year for ADULT horror, and I'm sure that this year it'll just keep getting better!
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