Too Long & Generally Overrated
8 January 2007
This disappointed me mainly because it looked so promising in the beginning. At first this appeared to be an enormously-entertaining story and solid religious one with the main character talking to God all the time.

However, after 90 minutes of viewing this, I wondered if only God could sustain enough interest to keep going. Man, it was b-o-r-i-n-g!

Since I like Israeli songs with all the violin music - and the title infers that, too - I hoped to at least hear a lot of that. Wrong again. Most of songs didn't feature that and they weren't anything to write home about. When they did have some dance tunes that were lively, they - like the movie - went on forever. To be fair some of the songs were good and a few of them became famous, thanks to this stage play-turned-movie, but not enough of them to suit me.

Another thing that turned me off was the typical '60s-70s youth culture propaganda in which the message here was that the old traditions and the people who believed in them are shown to be of little value while the younger man with his new views is shown to be "enlightened." This is such typical Liberal baloney. However, it was nice to see a made-for- adults early '70s movie that was not sleazy. Hallelujah!

If they had cut this from three to two hours, it might have been a lot more watchable. This is way too long and way too overrated.
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