Review of Dirt

Dirt (2007–2008)
Behind the scenes of a tabloid
3 January 2007
It's too early to really judge "Dirt" yet. Based on the pilot, it's sleazy as hell and has no likable characters. Of course, F/X is an expert at this kind of thing and just might make it a go.

The star is Courtney Cox as Lucy, the editor of "Dirt" and "Now" magazines. She's a cold bitch who wants whatever slime she can get on celebrities - all of whom are painted as young, on drugs, having sex in restaurants, and cheating on their spouses and significant others. Frankly, when Don the schizophrenic (the only character I actually liked and felt sorry for) gets their revealing photos, it's kind of hard to have pity on any of them. At the end of the show, the writers tried to flesh out the Lucy character a bit, showing her as a lonely woman who seems to care about Don the schizophrenic. Not sure I bought it, since I'd just seen her use a stun gun on someone she slept with, as she suspects he only went to bed with her because he knows who she is and wanted his CD promoted.

Cox looks gorgeous. The acting ranges from okay to lousy. There are lots of new young faces, and one suspects that the budget went for other things. "Dirt" gives the audience a very dim view of Hollywood, celebrities, and the tabloids that basically is what the mainstream media has been telling us for years. Everyone is Paris, Britney, Nicole, Justin; no one practices safe sex; and everyone uses drugs. It's all kind of sick. Is there an audience for it? Most likely.
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