House of 9 (2005)
Would have been a great film if the script was better.
2 January 2007
Many people say that this film is like Saw, Cube and other reality TV shows, but I judge this film on its own merits.

On the down sides, the plot is slow at times but not for long. These lulls give you time to mull over what has happened and how bonds are forming without affecting the plot lines progression. Then the scripting is weak, but maybe this was done deliberately so as not to over do the films dialogue. This has happened in some films that have left you with too much too process when you consider that the number of characters are enough to keep track off. The accents are awful. When are British film makers going to learn that not are English actor and actresses have to speak the Queens English or have a cockney accent? It became painful at times to listen to Kelly Brook deliver her lines with that accent. I know shes well spoken, but that could have been worked on I'm sure.

On the plus sides however, there are no irrational reactions from any of the characters (even though the circumstances would have allowed for it). There was no annoying running around and screaming like in most teen slasher movies, but instead a calm acceptance of the circumstance that lay before the group. There was also no need for the killings to start straight away. In most films like this, someone dies whilst the introduction credits are still rolling but not in this one. Makes a refreshing change to see such reservation in the scripting as to hold the audience for a good while without having to resort pointless violence.

For me, the most intriguing part of the film is to see how we as humans can resort back to our primal instincts without much effort. How we can turn on one another when personal survival take precedence. In a way they are forced to kill each other, but the speed at which they turn after the first dead is pretty much how I think it would happen. Great job with the accuracy in delivering how animalistic we still are.

All in all, a good film that would have been much better with certain tweaks.

I would if there will be a sequel?
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