Review of April Snow

April Snow (2005)
An affair in a more mature and realistic manner
25 December 2006
Very quickly "In the Mood for Love" and "Random Hearts" rushed into my head while I was seeing Oechul, all three talk about cross-affair between two couples.

RH truly makes me feel impatient because from story to acting, I find nothing impressive about it at all. ML is a refined and likable miniature that lures you to watch it again and again, get closer and closer (yet you may fear you get too close to it) for the beauty on the screen and also the music. And this Korean affair is one that makes you think about it once in a while even without any desire to watch it again.

It is an uncommon story on two ordinary lives. The story is uncommon as its English title displays "April Snow", we do not have much snow in springtime. Ordinary is that we have no "rare" figures like Congresswoman or fiction writer but ordinary people, concert technician and housewife. (Which probability is higher: bumping into a housewife or a Congresswoman in the street?) The affair is a controlled spark, and unplanned sweet-bitter "revenge", a quiet but unforgettable episode just happens to take place at a point of their lifetime. It is an unexpected affair out from an unexpected accident of a premeditated affair. Tranquillity is the specialty of the director. All though out the film, serenity rules, even the struggle at separation (the bye-bye moment) and the embarrassment at the husband's funeral are dealt with an uneventful presentation, though their sobs for losing their love really cut one's heart.

Both the endings of ML and Oechul are highly realistic in Asian culture: reunites with the spouse after the doom. Marriage in conservative cultures is generally handled with a more serious grip and tolerance. The film exhibits how mature and sensible can people manage their passion in real life. Perhaps we should feel happy for the two persons in RH. They are far much luckier as their unfaithful spouses have already been deservedly killed in the accident and the left-behinds do not have much to worry about if they decide to spend their lives together afterwards.

Other works on affair like "The Bridges of Madison County" and "Brief Encounter" also sprang up my head. Robert and Francesca, Alec and Laura cannot be together at the end of their lives. What different is Seo-young and In-su have higher chance, more hope to come together again because they have time and fewer constraint. After all, no one can tell how long the wife can bear living with her betrayed husband with "shame" and "guilt" as attachment.
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