Miss Potter (2006)
Lovely Film
21 December 2006
Very much enjoyed this lovely film at the San Francisco screening this evening and so seemed the audience who clapped enthusiastically at the end and delayed to read the credits and listen to the closing music. How nice to be in a theater when your fellow attendees give heartfelt sighs of delight at seeing the desired outcome of a scene play out...or who wholeheartedly laugh at the witty script. Throw in stunning Lake Country, Cumbria, and Isle of Man scenery with surprises from the artist's sketch pad and you have a wonderful film. And, at last, a film for adults and young people that leaves out the unnecessary foul language and gratuitous sex scenes. How refreshing! A wholesome romance with beautiful stories of friendship and challenging family relationships in late 19th/early 20th Century England. Funny...I wish Hollywood and its screenwriters with high-school-peeping-Tom mentalities would understand that these are the kinds of movies we're craving! Very high recommendations for this movie and its talented actors.
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