Just Garbage.
18 December 2006
Moral of the story: Junk food and fast food are EVIL. This is new. No one has ever done this moral before. Ever. I just didn't see that one coming, that message just punched me right in the face, especially with tag-lines as clever and catchy as "Would you like lies with that" (GET IT? INSTEAD OF FRIES?! HAHAHA! Hilarity. And yet clever and subtle and just smart. Or...), or "The truth is hard to swallow" (That's a clear warning sign that you're in for a festival of condescending know-it-all messages, when they declare their own message a truth or a revelation of some sort... how cocky and pretentious, eh?).

As far as the movie goes from a purely political or moral perspective, it's crap. First of all, it isn't controversial at all, despite the fact that they insist on trying to make it seem as if it is. It was controversial 30 years ago. Stop acting like this is some spark to a revolution or something, for Christ's sake. There isn't really anything you didn't know if you watched SuperSize Me and read the book and have just in general not been locked in a closet for the last 20 years without a TV. The messages are old, stale and uninteresting. And because it's a work of fiction, anything bad that could happen, does happen, and then it gets the balls sensationalized out of it. To use this movie as a piece of education would be like using Terminator to ban research on robotics and AI. So, weak and stale points, sensationalized arguments and an arrogant and condescending tone. Oh, you thought this was why I declared this movie garbage?

The story... whoa Nelly... the story. Poor Mexican border crossers get treated badly and butchered, elite corporate guy sells crap to people and doesn't care because he's a corporate guy and that's what corporate guys do, because corporate = evil, and the teenager feels rebellious. The acting is good, but it can only mask the absolute shoddiness of the story to a certain degree. Characters are all on sided, the story is so obviously politically motivated and without emotion, and the characters barely, if at all, tie in to each other. It's just bad.

The only reason anyone is giving this movie a good review is because they agreed with the moral before they even saw it. They liked that it smashed at fast food just as much as they liked to smash at it. Morally inclined bias to the actual review of the movie. That's all it is.

This movie is indeed just plain fart smelly garbage.
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