Review of Vidocq

Vidocq (2001)
Enjoyed this.
9 December 2006
I saw this a few years back when it hit the cinema in France and thought that overall it was not a bad attempt at a Gothic horror/thriller (a genre I like). Initially I found the digital footage a little off putting but settled into the "look" eventually and ended up really liking it. So, OK, it's not high art French cinema but surely that's not a reason to dislike it? I have to say I was surprised to find so many reviews here because I heard nothing of this movie after the French release, which surprised me (especially as that movie Brotherhood of the Wolf was doing the rounds, which I thought was a pile of s**t in comparison). Also, 28 Days Later appeared not long after this, touting a similar digital look (but i thought that movie seriously sucked also). In conclusion, if, like me, you disliked the movies mentioned, maybe you will like Vidocq. I think, that in time, it will possibly gain cult status . What do you think?
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