Review of Saw III

Saw III (2006)
This should b 2
17 November 2006
The best compliment I can pay to this movie has already been said but I think I'll give my 10 cents worth. Saw 3 takes you mentally back to the atmosphere of Saw. The only thing good about 2 was the pimp character and without him would have been a flop.

But Saw 3 is Dark, gory and leaves you thinks of all the implications of the twist at the end. Which could never beat 1 but is pretty good. So its a shame that we now have to bid adjour to the Saw trilogy but please don't try to add onto 3. Unless you do a Prequel which is the rave right now! The saw trilogy will be remembered for bringing us some of the most innovative ways to torture since the 18 century. Thanks guys. I'm gonna lock my door tonight.
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