Review of My Life

My Life (1993)
Couldn't believe the acting
13 November 2006
I am certainly not vested with the skills of a movie critic, but I do have my personal opinions. I have bypassed this film for 13 years, because every time I started to watch it I got negative vibes and moved on to something else. Last night I watched it all the way through for the first time. From now on I am going to trust my intuition. I am very forgiving of the anomalies in a film if the subject matter is interesting enough to prompt suspension of reality for a bit, so after the vibes started to kick in last night, I made a willful decision to suspend reality and give the benefit of the doubt. In my average viewer opinion, the acting in this film was worse than that in "Plan Nine From Outer Space". On several occasions I got the impression that Michael Keaton was just rehearsing his lines and they kept the cameras running as a spoof. There was one instance where he was in bed with his wife and he had some kind of attack that threw him across the bed and on to the floor. As he picked himself off the floor, his acting was so lame that I totally expected him to say, "okay the next line is yours". I think they must have given Nicole Kidman a Valium before each take. These two did no acting, they just said their lines. The actors in "Plan Nine" at least knew they were making a film.
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