An Average Lloyd Short, Laughs-wise
3 November 2006
Harold Lloyd is a common bellhop at a ritzy Hotel, but he's good at impersonating the rich snobs who frequent the establishment. That talent gets him a chance to wear "glad rags" and mingle with the "swells," pretending to be a famous hunter. He's invited to this upper crust party and fox hunt. The real famous hunter didn't look suitable so a man who was assigned the job of asking the hunter to come to the party, invites Lloyd instead, telling him this is his chance to have some fun. Harold is okay with that. The invitee is really some "scumbag," as one reviewer here puts it, and is only interested in getting the daughter of the rich people to marry him so he can gain some money.

Anyway, after tasting the accidentally-spiked punch, gets hammered and tells a bunch of wild tales at the party. The more drinks he has, the better the stories. Some are pretty funny.

He's then asked to ride "Dynamite," the un-ridable horse, in the hunt. Slapstick then takes over for the rest of the movie as Harold attempts to ride the horse, then winds up being chased by a ram and a dog, loses his pants and tries to hide from everyone, on and on. Yes, a lot of these films didn't have much of a story, just a vehicle for the comedian to show us his talents. That's okay; that's what we like or we wouldn't watch these Lloyd or Buster Keaton and others' short films.

This film was so-so, to be honest. Nothing great, but not bad, either. The title cards in here were with cute drawings that were funny and a bit sarcastic were as good as the film.
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