The Brady Bunch (1969–1974)
Say what you will... people still
31 October 2006
remember this series, created by Sherwood Schwartz. Yes, it is silly, yes Carol and Mike have the perfect marriage (that no one has) and perfect kids who screw up, but learn a value lesson from their mistakes.

I remember as a kid, watching this and my Dad laughing: "How come Mike Brady never works?", (lol); that is so true- no families were like this; BUT that is why people liked watching it.

Carol Brady (Florence Henderson) is a bit too plastic, but always comes through for the kids. Jan is annoying, Peter was humorous, Marcia and and Greg as the oldest provided more interesting plot points. People grew up relating to the characters, or they wouldn't have made the 1988 "Very Brady Christmas".

One favorite episode is the trip to Hawaii. It was a big trip for the Brady family, and American kids wanted to follow suit, take a trip to Hawaii and get lost in the tiki cave- chased by Vincent Price.

It is good clean fun that kids used to watch- for a seven year old, I would rather have them watch this than some reality trash. At least this series was made before the more jaded era we are in now; and young kids still enjoy this show. Notably, Sherwood Schwartz once commented that he created this show with the 1970's American family in mind. Divorce was on the rise, and this show was merely wish-fulfillment. Interesting.
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