quality television
25 October 2006
This is a classic. Quality preteen television. Preteen shows now just show slapstick humor and kids shouting and bouncing about. I'd watch one of these new shows and wouldn't remember anything memorable about it. I would probably completely forget them a few years down the road. 'The Adventures of Pete and Pete' is different from most of these new, hip, pop shows. It's been, what, 6-7 years since I last saw this on TV. But I still remember and I miss it. It had very unusual elements in it. But the situations were real. A little exaggerated, yes.. but real. The humor isn't the usual slapstick that you see. It was subtle but had a lot of impact. The romantic scenes between the characters were, at times, cheesy but it never failed to make me go 'aaawww..' Nick should bring back a taste of shows like these.
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