Frank's Place (1987–1988)
Frank's Place = My Place
17 October 2006
I saw this show the first year I had moved away from New Orleans. I moved back to FL to be with my family, but it sure looked like N. O. had followed me. The pilot had a scene of Frank's first night there, after living in Chicago (I believe). What he finds crawling up his bedclothes made me yell with recognition, and I will never forget his reaction. This was such an accurate show - that's why I remember it so well. The writers REALLY knew The City, and I should know - I lived there for 10 years, and went through much of what Frank had to learn. My favorite episode was when the young man who worked for Frank got in with the wrong crowd, then tried to get back out. I have been a "vidiot" for 50 years, and I can say absolutely that that one TV episode made me cry so hard I had to get a bath towel to try to recover. I have never, ever, been so moved by what I saw, and I saw the last episode of M.A.S.H., the last Johnny Carson Show, and many All In The Family episodes that were every bit as dramatic as they were usually hilarious. I cannot recommend it enough. Period.
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