Review of Julie

Julie (1992)
Not the best showcase for a great actress
1 October 2006
This short lived series was not very pleasing to watch when it was new. Thankfully Ms.Andrews found better vehicles for her talents following this. Perhaps time will be kind to her appearances here, especially since she did have full use of her unique singing voice then. She sang on many of the episodes. Her vocal talents were taken for granted for too many years, as they were by audiences at the at the time of the showing of this series.

She sang with a monkey on one of the episodes: a low point, as I recall. The supporting cast was very mediocre: and the series seemed to be written to make Julie accessible to middle America by playing down her gifts. This is unfortunate, she is not a common performer by any means, and she doesn't play one well. She is simply too damn talented. Pity that American culture didn't afford her the recognition she deserved during these years. I suppose one cannot have a renaissance in one's career without having a good long slump, as she seemed to be enduring when this series was broadcast. I felt at the time that she would get over this, and she did.
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