Just My Luck (2006)
Not something I'd watch again, but I don't regret watching it
12 September 2006
Seriously people, I thought that this was an honest, funny, and cute movie. The plot is a bit lame, of course, I mean what were you expecting from a Lindsay Lohan movie? But still, I thought that it was just a fun little flick to watch. I loved having fun with my friends when we watched it because we were coming up with ideas on how Lindsay and this guy could still be together and how they'd have to have a chart and take turns with the luck.

Maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much. But as a movie, yeah, it was a little lame. There were still a lot of funny and cute scenes, like when Lindsay looses her luck and she has to work as a janitor at her crush's old job. Her working in the high heels was so funny. I guess because I'm a girl and could relate to it. So, give this movie a chance, it really isn't that bad. If you are looking for it to be bad, than don't watch it.

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